quinta-feira, 2 de outubro de 2014

Nevada Storm chega ao Warface

O Warface é um dos jogos FPS gratuitos mais populares dos últimos tempos, e para garantir que os jogadores não se cansam dele tem recebido diversas actualizações. A última das quais chega agora cheia de novidades e com novos mapas: o Nevada Storm.

Para além dos novos mapas; o jogo recebeu várias melhoramentos a nível de desempenho e qualidade visual (incluindo melhoramentos para os computadores mais antigos). Temos também coisas como spawn points dinâmicos, para evitar os massacres de spawnkilling, em que os jogadores irão renascer nos pontos mais afastados dos oponentes; sistema melhorado anti-batotas (algo que destrói por completo o divertimento de qualquer jogo); e muitos bugs corrigidos:

AI ignoring players in multiple Co-Op levels have been fixed
Enemies on the Tower Raid 4th floor can no longer be easily killed by hiding in a corner
An instance where players can get stuck in sand backs in China Co-Op has been fixed
Resurrection Coin usage is no longer blocked in the helicopter of a specific China Co-Op mission
An instance in the Kosovo Co-Op mission where players could move through the closed helicopter door has been fixed.
A tree no longer clips through helicopter in a specific Favela Co-Op mission
Required climb at specific spot in Favela Co-Op mission has been made quicker and easier
An instance on an Afghan Co-Op mission where one player was not respawned on a checkpoint when all players die at the checkpoint has been fixed
Players no longer can no longer fall through the floor of the helicopter at the end of a certain Favela Co-Op mission
Players are no longer blocked by an invisible wall in a specific China Co-Op mission
A checkpoint was re-enabled during the boat ride in one of the Kosovo Co-Op missions
An instance were player could hide under water on Convoy capture mode has been fixed
A texture bug near Blackwood spawn on Lighthouse map was fixed
A texture issue on Factory map has been resolved
Melee attacks from behind and from behind while sliding are registered correctly and cause damage as expected
An instance where a player gets two invites when invited by two friends to different rooms at the same time has been fixed
Joining a clan match with a restricted class and then being invisible and unable to participate is no longer possible
Mouse cursor now stays focused on the game in windowed mode
The Super V Elite achievement has been renamed to Vec. 5 Elite achievement
Commanders order “Skull-hunter” is now correctly stating that the Skull-Hunter action needs to be performed to fulfill it
The “Advanced MG Scope” has been renamed to "Ultra Rare SMG Scope"

E "last but not least", finalmente passamos a saber que granadas de fumo se compram: as smoke grenades II / III / Azure passam a ter nomes bem mais descritivos de Red Smoke Grenade, Yellow Smoke Grenade, e Blue Smoke Grenade. Ufa. :)

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